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Preparing for the Storms of Life

October 13, 2022

Matthew 7:24-27 (NIV) encourages us to prepare for the storm. Not to wait for the storm to arrive and then get ready for it. Those Scriptures encourage us to live in a perpetual state of storm readiness. When we do that, we can live a life so strong in God that no matter how severe the storm is or what form the storm takes we can get through it with the strength that God provides.

All through the Bible we see persons who went through storms. Adam and Eve went through a storm in the Garden of Eden. Daniel and his three friends went through a storm when they were taken from their homeland by the king of Babylon. Mary encountered a storm when the angel Gabriel told her that she was going to have a son. Peter encountered a storm when he denied Jesus three times. And even Jesus went through a storm after fasting 40 days and 40 nights in the wilderness. Some of those individuals did well in their spiritual storm but some did not.

We need spiritual strength to get through the spiritual storms of life. Spiritual strength does not just happen. It must be intentionally and consistently built. When we do that, the spiritual strength that we build will make us spiritually prepared, resilient, and unstoppable.

To help with building spiritual strength, I would like to invite you to participate in a “Preparing for the Storms of Life” class. It will take place on Thursdays via Zoom at 6pm-7pm EST beginning on October 20, 2022, and ending on November 17, 2022. All you need to participate is your Bible, the book Kingdom Strong: The Making of Mighty Kingdom Warriors and to register.

The times that we are living in now are challenging with Covid-19, monkey pox, inflation, the U.S. economy, the war between Russia and Ukraine, etc., and the days ahead will be even more challenging as Matthew 24:1-14 (NIV) warns us that in the last days there will be wars and rumors of wars, nation rising against nation, kingdom against kingdom, famines, earthquakes, etc. Why not prepare for those storms of life so that you and your family can go through and thrive in the stormy days of life.

Jesus let us know in John 16:33 (KJV) that in this life we will have tribulation. That means the storms of life will come. But Jesus also said in that same Scripture that we can be of good cheer because He has already overcome the world. That means that through Jesus we can go through the storms of life without them taking us out. Yes, there will be some tough times. But with God on our side and having a strong relationship with Him, He will navigate us through the storms of life with victory over them.

Join me in the “Preparing for the Storms of Life” class. Let’s get more prepared for the storms of life so that we can be perpetually spiritually strong and resilient in all circumstances of life.

Monica Ollivierre Ministries

Taking You to the Next Level, Being Kingdom Strong

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