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What will you do with the rest of the year?

We are halfway through 2022. Are you where you expected to be at this time? Had you given any thought as to where you would be halfway through this year at the beginning of the year? Most people probably didn’t. God has a plan for our lives.

According to Jeremiah 29:11, God’s plans are to proposer us and not to harm us. He has plans to give us a hope and a future. To get all that God has for us, we need to diligently seek Him. We must seek God to get those daily downloads of His plans for us so that we walk in agreement with Him.

How much time did you spend with God in reading and studying the Bible in the first six months of the year? How much time did you spend in prayer, speaking in tongues and fasting?

To go to the next level in your relationship with God, spend more time doing those things. Come with a pen and paper and be ready to receive what God says to you. To make the rest of the year extraordinary, spend more time with our extraordinary God. What will you do differently these next six month of 2022?

Please share so that iron will sharpen iron and we all go to the next level together.

Monica Ollivierre Ministries

Taking You to the Next Level, Being Kingdom Strong

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Site Design Petite Taway

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