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Coach Holy Spirit

February 13, 2023

But the Comforter (Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, Standby), the Holy Spirit, Whom the Father will send in My name [in My place, to represent Me and act on My behalf], He will teach you all things. And He will cause you to recall (will remind you of, bring to your remembrance) everything I have told you. John 14:26 (AMPC)

As I watched the Super Bowl last night, I saw the effect of all the hard work of the football players over the season. I also saw all the hard work of the coaches. Between the head coach, defensive line coach, offensive line coach, quarterback coach, special teams coach, etc., all of them provided guidance throughout the entire season to make the players faster, more agile, hit harder, withstand a hit better, stay focused under pressure, etc. It was a lot of hard physical and mental work on the players part as they listened to the coaches and followed their instructions.

As Christians, we have a coach too. He is Coach Holy Spirit. He has been with us our entire lives. He knows us better than we know ourselves and He can coach us in every area of life. All we need to do is follow the leading and guiding of Coach Holy Spirit, daily run the plays from the Bible playbook that He calls to move our lives down the football field of life and score touchdowns in every area of life. Make no mistake, life is not a game, but we can learn a thing or two from the game of football about life.

First, perseverance. At halftime, the Kansas City Chiefs were trailing the Philadelphia Eagles and the Chiefs’ quarterback took a bad hit which re-injured his ankle. It was questionable whether he was going to play in the second half because he was in obvious pain on the sidelines. However, something had to have happened in the locker room. The Chiefs stayed in the game and came out with a fire that took them from being behind at halftime to winning the game. Never lose hope. As Christians, God has given us everything that pertains to life and Godliness. No matter how the situation looks never, never, never give in, give up or lose hope. Stay in the fight. Keep fighting the good fight of faith for the promises that Jesus died to secure for you. They are yours. You might be in the first quarter, halftime or the third quarter of life. It doesn’t matter where you are now or how you got there. Follow Coach Holy Spirit. Don’t drop the ball of faith or allow it to be stolen by the enemy. You will win if you don’t give up. Keep going. Outlast the enemy. Your victory is inevitable if you stay committed to God. He is on your side and will make a way out of no way so that His promises manifest in your life.

Second, strategy. Once the game resumed after halftime and was tied at 35-35, there were very few minutes left in the game. At that point, the Chiefs decided to go for the field goal to win the game. They had several options to choose from, but their strategy was to place their confidence in the field goal kicker. They let him kick them into the victory. When we go with the supernatural strategy that Coach Holy Spirit gives us, and have full confidence in Him, we will win every time against the enemy. The strategy may not make sense to us, but He knows what will work. He has all knowledge, all power and is everywhere. We must listen for and obey the strategy of Coach Holy Spirit to experience victory in every area of life.

Third, don’t relax when you seem ahead. At halftime, it looked like the game was over. The Eagles were leading. The Chief’s quarterback was injured. It looked like the Eagles would breeze into Super Bowl history with the victory. All they had to do was come out and finish the Chiefs off. When it looks like you are close to the finish line don’t relax. Don’t let down your guard and stop listening and obeying all the instructions of Coach Holy Spirit. This is the time to the press further into Him to keep the lead you have against the enemy and make it even larger. When the victory seems in the bag, press into Coach Holy Spirit even the more to extend the lead so far that the enemy will be unable to catch you. Remember Coach Holy Spirit. He is always available, always willing to give you guidance and His instructions will bring you the victory. No matter where you are in life, Coach Holy Spirit can produce a turnaround and an acceleration that will overtake, overpower, and neutralize the enemy of your life. You can’t lose with Coach Holy Spirit.

Monica Ollivierre Ministries

Taking You to the Next Level, Being Kingdom Strong

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